Podcast 23: Working From Home

In this cast we follow up the post I wrote called Here's a Method for Working From Home When You Have Kids. If you are like me, you have to occasionally take work home with you. This isn't a big deal if you live by yourself but if you are married or have kids, dividing your energy and time could become a problem. This cast will show you how to add some slight adjustments to how you work from home so that your peeps don't get made at you and you don't fall behind in your work.
Notes include:
ELance.com: if you need some freelance work done or are shopping for a virtual assistant, ELance.com is a great resource.
iTunes: now you can listen to The Daily Saint via iTunes. We'd love it if you would give us a 4-5 star rating, just saying! Just search for The Daily Saint under the podcast section.
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Enjoy the cast!

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