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Stop it Already

My brother worked for a start-up and would work a full day's work, then come home for dinner and then head back to work.  It was tough.  Thankfully it was only temporary.

This makes sense for a season of life but you can't do it for the long haul.  Parents know what this is like as small children drain you one moment and then make you laugh the next.  College students also can relate as their bodies become accustomed to staying up late in order to get all of their work done.  Push and pull.

But what if you weren't in one of those seasons of life?  What if you just wanted to cut the crap and stop all of the busyness?

As posted recently by LifeHack, there are times when you just need to quit being so busy.  Quoting Jared Latigo from the post:

We have to be intentional about the time we set aside to read. To watch TV. To check email. And everything else. We can very quickly fill our time with stuff if we’re not intentional about what we do.

 How intentional are you with your schedule?  Do you find that social media adds or detracts from your busyness?

Photo courtesy of FDP

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    Response: Hollister

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