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Change Your Space

As a good friend of mine is about to move into a new home, I've been
thinking of how space affects productivity. Have you ever walked into
someone's office or home and wished you hadn't? Perhaps it had piles of
paper everywhere or a home improvement that never quite got checked off
on the to-do list. Whatever it was- we all know an unproductive space
when we see it.

This year I've been trying to change my space.
To keep productive, our brain and body need ebb and flow and if your
space doesn't "work" for you and if you don't change it up every so
often, productivity will do more ebbing and less flowing.

As a
teacher/administrator in a Catholic school, I have some concrete
time-slots during which I have meetings or teach classes but the rest
of the day is up to me and how I schedule my work. Having a big office
with couches doesn't always help as people are more prone to pop-ins so
I have to be creative as to how I can get my work done.

What I
do to get maximum work done during the day is to work in different
spaces. I might start in my office for an hour, then grade some papers
in the library or find a quiet room off of the teacher's lounge. Shift
gears, change it up and stay on your game. So far, it's working for me
and definitely worth a try.

Success Begins Today has a nifty way of getting more out of your work space.

*You can also find today's post on the CE on Time productivity blog.

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