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Podcast 25: 6 Ways to Bring Gratitude Into Your Life

In this Thanksgiving edition of The Daily Saint podcast, we discuss 6 ways to bring gratitude into your life.  Each of us knows what it feels like to be grateful but how do you make it a regular practice?  

As a New Jersey resident, I learned firsthand the tough lessons of loss and gratitude after Hurricane Sandy left millions without power for over a week. Even after most of Jersey has had its power restored, there are plenty of reasons for which to be grateful.

Shownotes include:

Listen to the Podcast


Podcast 24: Experiments in Faith

In this cast we discuss the role of a "faith experiment" in order to produce lasting results.  While my experiment was not intentional, I outline three ways that you can design your own process of being stretched by God.  

An experiment of faith is essentially a test that you put yourself through in order to grow in your faith.  Similar to the monks who push their bodies and minds to the limit, a faith experiment is a simple way to grow in your faith.

Shownotes include: ("What Everyone Should Know About Productivity Leverage Points")

The Messy Quest for Meaning: Five Catholic Practices for Finding Your Vocation 

Three Spiritual Lessons from House Selling 

The Daily Saint FaithWorker Study Guide (free!)

Enjoy the cast!

Listen to Podcast 24


Podcast 23: Working From Home

In this cast we follow up the post I wrote called Here's a Method for Working From Home When You Have Kids. If you are like me, you have to occasionally take work home with you.  This isn't a big deal if you live by yourself but if you are married or have kids, dividing your energy and time could become a problem.  

This cast will show you how to add some slight adjustments to how you work from home so that your peeps don't get made at you and you don't fall behind in your work.

Notes include:  if you need some freelance work done or are shopping for a virtual assistant, is a great resource.  

iTunes: now you can listen to The Daily Saint via iTunes.  We'd love it if you would give us a 4-5 star rating, just saying!  Just search for The Daily Saint under the podcast section.

The Daily Saint Newsletter & Mailing List: why wait a day longer?  Sign up today and I'll send you my free FaithWorker Study Guide.  Click here for more info.  

Enjoy the cast!

Podcast 23


Podcast 22: Three Ways to Balance Your Inputs With Your Outputs

In this cast, we discuss three simple ways to balance your consumption of media with your creation of content. Enjoy the cast!


Shownotes include:

The Atlantic, Is Google Making us Stupid?

Newsweek, Is the Web Driving Us Mad?

Michael Hyatt, What the Internet is Doing to our Brains and What We Can Do About It

Susan Cain, Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking 


Listen to the Podcast


Podcast 21: Getting Things Done with the iPad

In this cast we discuss the iPad and how I use it to get things done.  It seems like every other day we hear of a new Apple story, whether it's a new product or the amazing value of their stock.  The real question is this: does an iPad help you get the right things done on a daily basis?  

Enjoy the cast!



Podcast File


Podcast Interview with Brandon Vogt

Brandon is the author of The Church and New Media: Blogging Converts, Online Activists, and Bishops who Tweet, a book released in August 2011 by Our Sunday Visitor.  He is one of today's leading voices, adovocating for the Church to get savvy in the area of technology.



Podcast Interview with Michael H. Smith

Michael has been serving for the last 12 years as the Associate Pastor/Worship and Music at ClearView Baptist Church, Franklin, Tennessee.  His website, is popular with ministry leaders and we especially like that he uses Nozbe for getting things done.



Podcast Interview with Tara Rodden Robinson

Tara is the founder of and hosts the GTD Virtual Study Group.  Her first book is 40 Days Forward: Your Journey Towards a Life of Abundance and Meaning.  Tara also has an excellent subscription program called The League of the Extraordinarily Productive.



Podcast Interview with Michael Sliwinski of Nozbe

Michael is the founder of Nozbe, a GTD app for both iOS and Android.  He is also the host of Productive Show and the publisher of Productive Magazine.  As you can imagine, he's a pretty busy guy.  To pick up a free version of Nozbe, click here.

Nozbe Founder Podcast